A soon to be bountiful collection of research and data

Monday, March 10, 2014

Grand Tour Info

So I have spent my morning going through journal entries and such to map out Alice and her sisters' grand tour travels.  They spent the year 1889 abroad traveling over Europe.  In January they went to Switzerland, France, Persia, and Italy.  They spent roughly 4 months in Italy and ventured to the Vatican to see the Pope, went to the Egyptian Museum, and spent time in Venice and Milan.  In July they visited Germany, spent part of August in Bavaria, September was Prussia and England.  They sailed the Tames by steamer and in October they went to Paris for the Exposition and lighting of the Eiffel Tower.  December brought them back to Germany one last time and then they arrived back in New York on February 1st of 1890.  While Alice is not explicitly mentioned on most of the ventures it is safe to say she was present for most of them.  During their travels the girls learned French and German and spent their days shopping, going to museums, taking part in activities such as making candy, and conversing with locals.  There is mention of Alice's birthday in the travel journal (she turned 26), there is semi-frequent mention of the girls' mother but almost no mention of their father.  I will post more if I find anything significant.

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